This participatory and collective video installation was realized by the students of Cinematographic Philosophy and Pedagogy workshop organized by “R. Massa” Department of Human Sciences for Education of Milano-Bicocca University and by Cineteca Italiana Foundation, produced by Liberi Svincoli and curated by video artist Carlo Concina.
“Leda and the swan” is an extraordinarily contemporary tale from Greek Mythology. According to the myth, Leda, Queen of Sparta, is awakened by a beautiful and sinuous swan after falling asleep by the shore: it’s Zeus, who turned into this fascinating white animal. Through this trick, the King of the Gods seduces Leda. But is it seduction or is it abuse?
This myth was represented and re-interpreted many times in the history of art. The participants of the workshop based their work on the sculpture of Arturo Martini dedicated to Leda and the swan and then exhibited at the Orangerie of the Royal Villa of Monza for Dal Marmo al Missile (from Marble to Missiles) exhibition organized by Fondazione della Comunità of Monza and Brianza NPO, and Cariplo Foundation. The students jointly reinterpreted this theme through technology and specifically through video-art in order to modernize the myth not only from the point of view of the content, but in its cinematographic representation as well. In accordance with the theme of the exhibition, they realized a work that goes from the “marble” of the aforementioned sculpture, to the most technologic video files. The beautiful images, which were created by the students and then assembled and edited by video artist Carlo Concina, are projected on three connecting screens with the intention of suggesting new methods of analysis and providing food for thought.
This project was realized in association with Professor Emanuela Mancino, creator and responsible of the Cinematographic Philosophy and Pedagogy workshop with the support of both Fondazione della Comunità of Monza and Brianza NPO and “R. Massa” Department of Human Sciences for Education of Milano-Bicocca University.