A documentary about what it means to be a foreigner. A surprising mosaic of faces, a mix of words, smiles and thoughts of those who, due to prejudices that are hard to eradicate and tend to label people, are considered “foreigners”. The film was written and directed by Carlo Concina and Cristina Maurelli and then screened in several cinemas in Italy. Giorgia Mosca as the executive producer, original music by Francesco Pederzani.
Under the patronage of Amnesty International.
The film was made for the project “Cronache d’integrazione” (Chronicles of integration) with the contribution of COMUNE DI MONZA, Assessorato alle Pari Opportunità, Servizio Pari Opportunità, Partecipazione e Giovani (Equal Opportunities, Participation and Youth Service) through the call “Opportunities on the Net”, within the paths of social cohesion.
Duration: 70 minuti.
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